
  • Kinga Halász
    Ágnes Szabó-Keresztes, creator of the Lantern on the Road guesthouse, with her family

    Moving to the countryside, a family’s mission in the Vértes mountains – “On a hill, in the dark, the little house is like a lantern”

    A couple with young children gave up their life in the capital and found a new home and a new job a few years...
  • Fanni Fekete
    Adrán Marcinkó

    “Komárom is a city with weight” – Adrián Marcinkó is building the community of Hungarian entrepreneurs in Slovakia

    Many people think that entrepreneurs are lonely people, and as a minority Hungarian, this can be doubly true. Adrián Marcinkó from Komárom, Slovakia, founder...
  • Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska
    The owners of Kiscsikó restaurant, Ildikó and Róbert Puskás with their daughter

    The love of the whole team is in every dish – the Kiscsikó restaurant in Transcarpathia is open even in wartime

    The phone number starts with +38. This is Ukraine. The neighbouring country where there has been a war for two years now and which...
  • Lívia Kölnei
    A painting of Ignác Semmelweis in 1857, aged 39, at the time of his wedding

    One semi-true and one false myth about Ignác Semmelweis

    Dr. Ignác Semmelweis , perhaps the world's best-known Hungarian doctor, was born into a German family in Buda in 1818 and died in a...
  • Samu Csinta
    Gregor Roy Chowdhury

    The movie-like story of a Hindu-Hungarian aristocratic family and their Transylvanian heritage

    People call him Count Gergely; Gregor Roy Chowdhury-Mikes , the majority shareholder of the Secuiana, an apparel manufactory in Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc), Romania, has...
  • Andrea Csongor
    István and his adopted son Timoti

    Becoming a father in a single minute – "I gave up my high-paying job, European travels, and my life as a cool, single man for a baby"

    In some strange way, the theme of motherhood comes to my mind like the giant fish in the old fisherman's. Sometimes I feel like...
  • Kriszta Csák-Nagy
    The Fenyvesi Family

    “Now, Andrea, you won’t have any more children, will you?" - Risk, Adventure and Challenge with 11 kids

    With ten siblings, you have to fight for attention as well as a good seat in the minibus. But you're never bored, and there's...
  • Lilla Zeke
    Noben Prize laureate Ferenc Krausz

    "The Hungarian scientist who received the Nobel Prize" – Ferenc Krausz in service of humanity

    "From the podium, it's hard to tell who will win a Nobel Prize, but you can see who is ambitious. Ferenc Krausz was one...
  • Borbála Szabó
    birthday cake with 40 candels

    He called me old! – A woman in her forties at the OBGYN

    According to the data of 2019 of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH) the life expectancy for women in the capital is eighty years...
  • Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska
    Emil Karáth and his son

    Hungarian marine biologist rebuilds coral reefs with his teenage son

    Marine biologist Emil Karáth almost drowned twice as a child, but despite - or perhaps because of - this, the water became his life...
  • Eszter Király
    Tamás Kertész

    ”I’m not going to give up on my brother” – Tamás Kertész swimmer looks after his wheelchair-bound brother 24 hours a day

    He blinks shyly at the lens but looks me in the eye with great confidence. "I'm more nervous than I was in my university...
  • Lívia Kölnei
    Ágnes Hornung

    A new Secretary of State who believes in the compatibility of being a mother and having a career – an interview with Ágnes Hornung

    Those who know the story of her life rightly think of her as a brave and tough woman. She is the one who left...
  • Emese Kosztin
    László Kupi geologist

    To go somewhere no one had ever been before

    Men can also be scared. Men are also driven by the agony of fear, and the desire to prove themselves. They too are wounded...
  • Kati Szám
    Katalin Novák

    How Katalin Novák is preparing for Christmas and New Year – "I always strive to be truly present where I am"

    Advent, Christmas, and the end of the year bring extra joy and extra things to do. We asked Katalin Novák , President of the...
  • Adrián Szász dr.
    Áron Trufán with his two kids laying a ceremonial wreath in Chicago

    "As a Szekler, God expects a little more from me" – Chicago pastor believes in friendship between heaven and earth

    Even during his student years in Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mures), there were always communities around Áron Trufán - whether he was going to folk dancing...
  • Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska
    A descendant of the Esterházy Family

    The communists couldn’t wipe out the past for good – Family members from as far as Chicago and London came to the World Meeting of the Esterházys

    "Respect the past to understand the present and to be able to work for the future." - this is the motto of the World...
  • Henrietta Vadas
    Flóra Béry-Januskó with her son, Ábris

    “I saw my child lying on a table, covered with a sheet” – The story of Flóra Béry-Januskó and her little son with SMA

    "As a senior in high school, I was diagnosed with a gynecological condition that gave me very little chance of ever getting pregnant naturally...