Henrietta Vadas

  • Henrietta Vadas
    98-year -old Sára Komárominé Vojna in her humble home

    “As a maid, I knew every nook and cranny of the Habsburg castle in Alcsút” – the story of 98-year-old Sári néni

    Sára Komárominé Vojna, or Sári néni , was born on 1 November 1925 in Alcsút, where she grew up as the fourth child in...
  • Henrietta Vadas
    István Gáborecz with an eagle carved from ice

    Hungary's only active ice sculptor who is also a chainsaw woodcarver – "We've even carved an ice carriage that you could sit in"

    István Gáborecz, who is originally from Transcarpathia, initially wanted to become a painter, but his application form was mixed up during the admission procedure...
  • Henrietta Vadas
    Flóra Béry-Januskó with her son, Ábris

    “I saw my child lying on a table, covered with a sheet” – The story of Flóra Béry-Januskó and her little son with SMA

    "As a senior in high school, I was diagnosed with a gynecological condition that gave me very little chance of ever getting pregnant naturally...
  • Henrietta Vadas
    Dyed easter eggs

    "Painting eggs was love at first sight" –Ildikó Fekete decorates eggs under the spell of angles and symmetries

    Ildikó Fekete was captivated by the art of wax-dyed eggs from a very young age: she has been making them since she was 16...