
  • Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska
    The owners of Kiscsikó restaurant, Ildikó and Róbert Puskás with their daughter

    The love of the whole team is in every dish – the Kiscsikó restaurant in Transcarpathia is open even in wartime

    The phone number starts with +38. This is Ukraine. The neighbouring country where there has been a war for two years now and which...
  • Sára Nagy-Kuthi
    kids in the children's home in Nagydobrony

    Protecting abused girls in Transcarpathia, Ukraine – the story of a Hungarian pastor

    Almost two decades ago, Pastor Viktória Katona 's life in Transcarpathia began with a ten-month ministry in Velyka Dobron (Nagydobrony), Ukraine. Later, she was...
  • Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska

    We went to the Ukrainian-Hungarian border – ”The desire to give has not diminished”

    Barabás is on the Hungarian-Ukrainian border, Papos about forty kilometers away. Although we don't hear much in the news about these smaller villages closer...
  • Fanni Fekete
    Kiev, 24 February

    ”I am afraid if I left home, I would have nowhere to return to”

    The Ukrainian-Russian war has caused great fear among the Hungarians in Ukraine. Whoever had the chance to leave the country has already left but...