Second World War

  • Tamás Ulicza
    Géza Soós and a Heinkel He-111 bomber plane

    Saving Jews with currant jam – The fascinating life story of the unjustly forgotten Géza Soos

    To fly a stolen German plane over the front to the Allies, to save the lives of a dozen Jews and prisoners of war...
  • Pál Horváth
    Gábor Sztehlo - Photo: Lutheran Central Collection

    The person who founded a self-governing children’s society – the story of Gábor Sztehlo

    Even today, Géza Radványi’s moving classic of post Second World War Hungarian filmmaking, Valahol Európában (Somewhere in Europe, 1947), is a popular movie. It’s...

    A deathcamp operated after 1945 in the area of today’s Bratislava – Film about the Ligetfalu massacre

    Directors Dávid Géczy and Zoltán Udvardy have made a documentary film titled Genocide in Pozsonyligetfalu about the terrifying events that took place there. In...
  • Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska

    The mysterious story of Raoul Wallenberg's villa – 'Objects don't lie'

    A house where Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who had rescued Jews had lived during the war. A restless art dealer couple who believes...