Communist regime

  • Pál Horváth
    János Esterházy

    „Our sign is the cross not the swastica” – A Hungarian count in Czechoslovakia

    The communist dictatorship has taken its victims during the decades of its rule, both within and beyond our borders, among Hungarians forced into minority...
  • Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska
    Árpád Brusznyai

    “Only the forgotten die” – The immortal love of a 1956 martyr and a young woman

    Árpád Brusznyai was a true intellectual. A young teacher who only wanted good, who did not murder or steal, his only ‘crime’ being that...
  • Nóra Ivády

    Fifteen years in refuge – Unseen chapters from the life of Cardinal József Mindszenty

    We know from Hungarian history that a person who has been convicted of treason by both the Arrow Cross and the Communist regimes can...