
  • Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska

    "Some even sell their kids so that the rest of the family could eat." – HIA-Hungary helps in Afghanistan, too

    Since the Taliban takeover, the vibrant and intense life in Afghanistan has been completely transformed. Many shops have closed, people have no money, and...
  • Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska
    László Lehel

    The gift boats were punched by the Sri Lankans – Giving help is not the same as giving aid

    The Hungarian Interchurch Aid, thirty years old this year, has matured into a cohesive, extended community of people working every day to make the...
  • Dr. Bianka Speidl
    Erika Szabóné Varga

    "I have never felt fear" - Experiences as a woman on a military mission

    First Lieutenant Erika Szabóné Varga started her eighth military mission in Kosovo in October. We talked to her about her previous experiences - mainly...