Zsuzsanna Bogos 1956 ruined sporting stars, and let plenty of talent out of the country The Hungarian women's gymnastics team was at the height of an astonishing run of success when news came of the crushing of the 1956...
Krisztián Szabó Death-defying Hungarian courage in the headlines – how the international press covered the 1956 uprising None of the milestones in the history of our country has attracted as much interest in the world press as the 1956 Revolution and...
Andrea Csongor The "Melbourne bloodbath", the revenge of the Hungarian water polo team – How we repaid the crushing of the '56 revolution It would surely be difficult to find a connection between the sight of blood mixing with the pool water, the Olympic performance of our...
Ágnes Németh „Many teenagers who believed in freedom died in the revolution” I feel it's my duty to embrace the goal of the boys in Pest in '56, and that's why I'm working to help Hungarian...
Zsejke Jámbor-Miniska This is how the girl in the red coat remembers the revolution: 'We breathed together' She did not even suspect that she would become a messenger of freedom when she put on her red coat and headed to the...
Lenke Fehér “The fact is, you should be exterminated! – the fates of priests after 1956 In the wake of the crushing of the 1956 Revolution until late 1957, that is, in just over one year, nearly 20,000 people were...