large family

  • Kinga Halász
    Ágnes Szabó-Keresztes, creator of the Lantern on the Road guesthouse, with her family

    Moving to the countryside, a family’s mission in the Vértes mountains – “On a hill, in the dark, the little house is like a lantern”

    A couple with young children gave up their life in the capital and found a new home and a new job a few years...
  • Kriszta Csák-Nagy
    The Fenyvesi Family

    “Now, Andrea, you won’t have any more children, will you?" - Risk, Adventure and Challenge with 11 kids

    With ten siblings, you have to fight for attention as well as a good seat in the minibus. But you're never bored, and there's...
  • Zsuzsanna Bagdán
    Eszter Darvas-Tanácsné Novák

    "I felt at home among the Afghans, too" - She has eleven children and helps people in need

    She gave birth to eleven children, she has never let herself go, only indifference and disregard for human dignity exasperate her. Since her adolescence...